Let It Shine! Taking Care of Your Paint’s Finish


What are glass/ceramic coatings?

Glass and ceramic coatings are the latest and most revolutionary way to protect the paint on your vehicle on the market today. Using nanotechnology, these coatings bind to the surface creating an extremely durable and protective layer. Separating your vehicles paint and interior surfaces from the harsh elements of the environment.


What are Nano Coatings? What is nanotechnology?

Essentially, nano technology in the detailing industry utilizes a 9th century Mesopotamian trick. A trick in which pottery-makers created a metallic nano glaze made from copper, silver salts, and oxides that created a glittering effect on pottery that up through the Renaissance, made it distinctive for its ancient, shimmering luster. The term “coating” is nothing more than a new term to identify these incredibly durable polymers. Because that’s all these nano coatings are, polymers.

Known as “Surface Science,” products now allow the transfer of particles from one surface to the other so that the nano coating becomes inseparable from the car’s paint surface. Automotive coating manufacturers claim their formulas “bond” chemically and physically to the paint surface, however, their bond loosens over time. On the other hand, some of these nano coatings claim they never loosen their bond to the paint, meaning that they need to be buffed off which involves taking off part of your clear coat.

But is the difference between “coatings” and poly sealants really in the technology?

Nanotechnology is engineering, science, and technology conducted at the molecular and atomic level. In the case of coatings, this is beneficial because characteristics such as hardness, lightness, smoothness and heat resistance can be manipulated to be greatly enhanced.